Thursday, September 25, 2008

Road Rage Recap...

I woke up today to local news reporting fights breaking out at gas stations because there is no gas to be found around Atlanta. I share in the same concern as every other Atlanta driver as I need gasoline as well. I had to wait in line and expect that I will do so again in the next few days. This concerns me as I am a recient road rage recipient.

Something interesting does happen when we get behind the wheel. I got so frustrated spending 1.5hr in my car commuting to work every morning that during this downturn in the housing market, I sold my house and moved to a house half the size for twice the price. I can't emphasize how much this has reduced my stress level. I am no longer angry when I am behind the wheel. It is just astonishing that while in a comfortalbe sitting position enjoying good music or listening to something interesting we can just fly wildly off the handle over an insignificant moment of what, someone going too fast, too slow, etc.?

Sadly, I might be the only person in the metro Atlanta area that is NOT angry behind the wheel (note: this is a recient event thanks to my move as I am very experineced with anger behind the wheel).

Case and point.

I was driving to my hair appointment two Saturdays ago on a lovely almost fall morning. Everything was going well until I had to make a left turn at a light, into a shopping center. I was behind a woman in a sedan who was obviously afraid to turn left. Each opportunity she had to turn, instead of actually turning, she would inch out further into the intersection until finally, she was at a 90 degree angle to me and blocking one of the incoming lanes of traffic. As I sat in my mid size suv and can see every opportunity she has to turn, I finally decided that if she doesn't get out of the lane of incoming traffic, someone will hit her and she will then spin into my car. So two more opportunities come and go and I decide to honk. Now I honked, I did NOT lay on the horn, wave my arms wildly or make obscene gestures.

Guess what, it worked! She turned and shortly thereafter I did as well and proceeded around to the building where I had my appointment. As I was gather my things and getting out of the car it happened ...

"Excuse me" ~ I turned to see an early 20 something woman in the drivers seat of the car next to me who had the left turn problem. "Yes". She proceeded to ask me what the *&%(@ my problem was. I told her that she put herself into a dangerous situation and if she were to be hit, I would be hit as well. She asked what my rush was and what in the heck was wrong with me. Again, I reiterated that my priority was to not be in a car accident. Then, she threw down the gauntlet and said "well you are just a bitch".

Now this could go a few ways but I have learned that sticking to the facts usually wins an argument. And after all she is 20 something, an age where logic is still a mystery. So I responded:

"I may be a bitch, but you are still unsafe. Learn to drive"

Then she killed a bird in my honor. Classy lady.

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