Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Geek at heart...

This cartoon was on my door while I was in college with Midvale scratched out and replaced by the name of my university.

I went to perhaps the biggest geek university ever. When I was a freshman, my parents called to let me know that USA Today ran a story that for X University to attract its students to attend a football game on campus, they were giving away some game on disk. To the rest of the world this was funny. I wanted to know what game.

Fast forward many years and to this day I realize that the only thing that has changed is that I am older. On my desk sit TWO iphones. Of course I don't subscribe to AT&T so one is a functional unlocked iphone, the other I have spent countless hours trying to unlock. Guess what I just started to do AGAIN? I am afraid that I accidentally fried it. Ug.

I get excited when Apple releases new Macs. I have had... Oh My God, that is a big number, let's just say more Macs then dogs and I have had a lot of dogs. I sell my old ones on Ebay. I have had .... Oh My God, another big number ipods. Meanwhile I drive a car that is nine years old. It is a very nice vehicle but most people don't drive a car that old. I replace my Mac more frequently then I replace brakes in my car.

Very funny that I am a roofer isn't it? I am always amused when someone makes what I consider an interesting observation about me. Once at Starbucks, a woman was chatting with me and asked what I do. After I told her she commented "I don't know a lot of roofers that carry Kate Spade bags". Good one. I was at a walk through and one of the roof consultants noticed my iphone. Not standard in construction you understand. Ultimately I suppose that you can take the girl out of geek school but I guess you can never take the geek out of the girl.

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