Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Knot or boulder?


Kudos to Katherine and yes, kudos to Jenny as she is the one that makes Bikram Yoga Alpharetta possible.

Now, onto these dog gone roofer rantings du jour.

I have a knot in my stomach today. The stock market has been all over the map. When we had a "slight decline" (first day under 10,000) I actually got a little excited looking around for a good buy. Now I just feel sick.

Our market has just pulled out of a 1.5 yr decline. We are working on Q1 2009 backlog. We are just recovering. But for how long? Everyone else seems to be in a decline and we are recovering?
Today I am closing Q3 financials and wondering about the moving mark of the banking industry. What will it take and what are they looking for to renew my line of credit in six months? I know what my year end goals are but do they? I will call my banker and get a read of the expectations ... well hopefully I will get my banker and hopefully they are not busy with the FDIC. Six months ago I sold and purchased a home. With my 700+ credit score and 20%+ down I still had to haggle with the mortgage company. What will I have to do with our line of credit??

Meanwhile, in my last blog I mentioned that I had a rock thrown through my car window. OK it has been seven days and my car still sits at the dealership with no work done on it as I am fighting with my insurance company. Now my car is insured under the company policy although I personally own it. I also happen to be the insurance decision maker. I purchase the auto, work comp, general liability, umbrella, life, medical, etc insurance. This claim is under $4,000 and the insurance company wants to put parts in it so that the new window and the new interior door wont actually match the rest of the car so they only pay $1,100. OK, at what point does someone say, "hmmm... these pennies are going to cost us tens of thousands of dollars worth of business when the roofer moves her policies elsewhere?"

I am feeling a little... stressed today. The immediate future (market woes and insurance issues) are out of my hands. I am angry and I am worried. I can only react to the next set of actions from both the bank and from CNA. I feel like I have gotten customer "no service" from the government in this pork heavy bail out, definately no service from CNA, worried about Wall St., the credit crisis etc..

Today with this knot in my stomach, I feel the need for Bikram yoga, chocolate, and a good joke.
I think the link to the article above will at least inspire me to have a great Bikram class tonight.

1 comment:

perrykat said...

I had a Bikram class, a massage, and chocolate today! I've also talked to two other friends who are finding themselves worried over the last few days.

Even if you don't believe in a collective unconscious, it is easy to see that the nation's mood is at least anxious if not flat out scared.

Hang in there. This too shall pass.