Friday, January 30, 2009

Weird week #2

Weird week #2
Last week was a very odd week. Big highs and big lows.
This is weird week #2. I have, and I AM completely bragging here, cranked though our annual audit at lightening speed. Normally the CPAs are on site for 5 business days and then back in the shop for about three more. This time, 2.5 days on site! YEA! Now part of this is personal motivation, I want to refi my mortgage and with the new standards, they want my 2008 tax returns. Since I am part owner of the business, first we have to do the audit, then the business tax return, then mine! Thus we need to move fast!!! This was a high point.
Low, it is Friday and we are still stuck on a prepaid account and they haven't finished the draft for me to approve and then we can move to the business taxes, etc.. ARRRRRR.
High, Sunday I went shopping for a small gift for a friend who is pregnant. FUN found a great eco friendly spot with WONDERFUL things.
Low, my friend, who btw will be the best mom EVER, lost the baby. My heart just sank. I am so sorry and sad.
High, Found a great price on a new dress for a formal in Feb.
Low, put on about 15 lbs over the past year thanks to the Friggin' thyroid and adrenal issues. Thus joined WW online and now count the number of blueberries I eat.
Low, Honey (see photo above of Honey in balloon with another balloon in background) has neglected to give me photos of us on the hot air balloon ride we took while on vacation in Napa
High, I told him that a framed one would make a nice Valentine's Day gift.
High, my fireplace mantle and built in bookcases and cabinet in bathroom are under construction right now.
Low, scared to see the messes and I pray the job is done well.
High, found out about 5 more jobs to bid! (I don't care to participate in the recession)
Low, sitting on my hands until audit is over... grrrr...
High, got my #1 choice for student from Fiji and will be her host family for next year.
Low, I can't tell her and invite her to our reception in Fiji until the program officially tells her!
Overall, I will take the weird week. Life is good right now.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hard Job...

I think that I have worked my tail off in very odd surroundings.

When I was 11, I became a 1st degree black belt.  I progressed on to other ranks including that of an instructor.  When others were working fast food, at 14 my first job was as a martial arts instructor.  As I aged, it really didn't do much for my dating life as 16 - 25 year old males seem to be a bit intimidated by a woman that can whip them into shape if they get out of line.  Still a hard job to have.

I went to college with an 11 - 1 male female ratio.  I was one of the only females and team leaders when I got out into the consulting world and frequently was mistaken for the admin.  A challenging but still hard job.

I am now a single female roofer that gets exposure to an extraordinary amount of odd circumstances.  Weird at times and another hard job.

I am an owner of a small business.  This comes with a crazy amount of stress.  This is a very hard job.

But this week, I finally got the news that my very good friend is pregnant!!!!!  OUTSTANDING.  She and her husband are some of the most qualified people on the planet to be the best parents ever.  But when I really think about it, this takes the cake for hard jobs.  They have worried and had a struggle to get where they are right now and I know that they will be the exact people who, no matter what, will never see parenting as a hard job.  They will always see it as the most important job they do.  Today, my hat is off to them!!  

I was the wife of a horrible man.  This also was a hard job.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Atlanta Pet Rescue...

This is a photo of part of my desk in my office.
As you can see, I have a lot of paperwork the plow through.
Also as you can see, I have a little miss sunshine who helps me through it.
Madison came to me through Atlanta Pet Rescue They are a no kill shelter that will take trouble cases and dogs from kill shelters. I am also a fan of the Atlanta Humane Society (Snapper, Princess and Laddy all came from them) however I want to shed light on Atlanta Pet Rescue as they are a much smaller facility and do not put any dog down unless it is in the name of mercy as the dog is in agony and a vet recommends it.
Visit the website and if you are feeling kind, offer a few bucks up to them. I do both regularly as they gave me a gift in Madison and I know they have given many gifts of joy to many people.
Update: yes both Max and I are doing much better since Friday and the passing of Snapper. We will always keep him in our hearts.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Duck Duck Duck it is the iphone AAAARRRR

I sent this email out yesterday:

1. I don’t think Snapper is coming home. Will know within 24 hrs.
2. Max is stressed about snapper not being at home, just passed blood, I now have to hospitalize him. His IBD is all flared up.
3. I tried to type the f*bomb in a text to my sister telling her of this news and my iphone tries to correct my text and keeps substituting DUCK DUCK DUCK in for … well you know.


It is official, I will have to help Snapper finally be at peace today. Above is an old Xmas photo of my original pack (Snapper, Princess, Brownie and Laddy). He will be joining them again.

But just rats... if I were blogging this on my iphone knowing that it doesn't use certain language, I might say something like... Oh shot. Bad ducking day.

LOL in spite of the circumstance, I think that is really funny!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Robert Deyber Artist, Martin Lawerence Gallery

Painting names: (above) The News Cycle (below)Hungry Hungry Hippo

While my honey and I were in San Fran over the holiday we stumbled upon the most delightful work of artist Robert Deyber while visiting the Martin Lawerence Gallery. WOW what a fun and exciting group of paintings and prints! I highly recomend that you check out the artists webstie at:
Take a moment to enjoy!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Letting go...

I was in Bikram yoga the other night and I must say the studio where I practice is great. There are many teachers and they are diverse as ice cream flavors. Everyone has a great "something" about them and frankly, everyone enjoys nice ice cream right so even if you aren't in a chocolate mood when you enter class, you find that chocolate is exactly what you needed.
So as it is January and everyone is trying to live the new year's resolution class was packed like sardines. The instructor happened to be one of the two owners. She is funny, witty and demanding. It is easy to absolutely LOVE her classes.
One of her strong suits is her focus on healing. She made a comment that absolutely hit home. She was focusing on why we hold onto our baggage and sited people that are married for three years take the baggage with them for the rest of their lives.
I don't talk in depth about my 14 month marriage. When asked questions, I answer and people are always stunned at the things that I say and I don't go into real detail. My ex, we will call him X for the purpose of this discussion, was a gambling addict. To the day we divorced, he denied this although I had mounds of evidence to prove it. (I mean really when thousands of dollars are withdrawn from your bank account on the same day that you fly to Vegas and no money is redeposited, how hard is it to follow the money???) When people ask what happened I say that I unknowingly married a gambling addict. They say "oh" and fortunately that is the end of the discussion. I was simply a means to continue his habit. I wasn't a human, I wasn't a friend and I wasn't a partner ~ I was a means. It isn't personal, it is an addiction.
Let me break this down since my goal here is to purge and to ultimately let go. I have held these details for so long that I see it is not helping me and that is after all, the point of a blog...
X played blackjack. X was a commercial pilot. X had taken a HUGE pay cut before we got married in order to jump to a profitable airline. X could not afford his current bills and could not find a buyer for his property. I wanted to encourage growth in his career and expected to fund the household we lived in and about 20% of his expenses UNTIL he was able to unload his property. OK, that was the expectation however after the property was under contract I was still sheltering a HUGE percentage of things and the math never added up.
X took a route that took him to Vegas at least 1x a week. I discovered shortly after we were married that he was not necessarily checking in at the hotel where the airline put him up, he was instead taking the comped room at the Wynn or the Mirage or the Bellagio. In order to get a complementary room you must play a minimum of $125 a hand for three hours a day. That means the following:
average casino plays 60 hands an hour
3 hours minimum is $125 x 60 = $7,500 x 3 = $22,500.
Now blackjack has changing odds and the odds can favor the player. X was a good player until he became addicted, then he played with emotions. But on average you will push 28% of the time so $22,500 x 28% = $6,300. Lets take that money out of the equation $16,200 is left.
Again the odds can change in blackjack but the house has on average about a 5 - 6% favor. That would mean out of the hands that are not a push ($16,200) the house is going to take $8910. So you are sitting with $7,290. An average loss of $1,620.
Now this is all probability. Vegas was built by people who win a little, get hooked and keep playing until they pay all the winnings back and throw good money after bad to try to get that high again.
At a loss of $1620 a day of play and four days of play a month you are losing $6,480 a month.
Meanwhile I am not paying for just the household and about 20% of X's expenses, I am paying over 50% of X's expenses as well as the household as well as the incidentals, which ran around $800 - $1200 every six weeks. (car issues, dental issues, and just stuff in general).
As you can imagine, things were tense. After I was legally on the hook to support him (eg married) he was hardly nice to me. He was a complete slob and although he had 12 days off a month (no joke), he would spend his days sleeping and watching tv and trashing the house so every day after I came home my job was to be the maid and servant. That was while I was unknowingly supporting a gambling addict. When I no longer would support X's lifestyle and confronted X about his addiction, I went from a means to an enemy. X moved to the upstairs where he could freely live and ignore me in my own house. X refused counseling, blamed me for everything, etc.. I had a prenup, I went back to my attorney and requested a post nup. I was not going to legally be obligated to his mounting debt. When I asked him for discussions, he would ignore me, insult me and blame me for his behavior. Finally in order to move out of this unbearable situation, after he hung up on me and called me a bitch, I changed the locks to the house and filed for divorce.
He called the cops. He did have a legal right to be in the house as he was married to me even though it was my house for nine years before marriage and he never paid any of the bills of the house. I had a court order preventing him from removing items from the house and a court date where I could appear before a judge and make a case for having him removed if I couldn't get him out. Fortunately, I was able to (after being humiliated by the police department responding to a domestic dispute) convince him to leave and sign the he had received his divorce papers.
Then came settlement.
I had a great lawyer. He warned me. I prenuped my house, my retirement and a few other of my assets. He had blown through my savings (and you can see how with those numbers). Fortunately I was still watching thousands of dollars go into and out of his bank accounts and I saw that he took a large withdraw to Vegas. He must have lost. He could not afford a lawyer as he threatened me with wanting ALIMONY!!!! HOLY COW!!! My lawyer made it all work out. One day I was married, the next I was not. Thank God.
I don't remember ONE nice day in my very short marriage. I am still angry with myself for being so used and humiliated by my poor decision. I am ashamed that I was ever married to X and am so humiliated that aside from my lawyer, this is the first time I have ever detailed the patterns of a blackjack addict. I am so embarrassed and afraid that other people will judge me by my horrible mistake. What is worse is that I never loved him. I just wanted someone that I could travel around the world with and who's company I enjoyed. I married for the wrong reasons and I am ashamed of the truth in my decisions.
I realize that this experience has tainted me in my current relationship. I have been dating an absolutely wonderful man for about a year and a half. I am certain that I do things that offend him because I am either overcompensating or overprotective of my "space", etc.. My ex had a temper that was both irrational and explosive so I find that I am overly concerned with my current boyfriends temperament instead of focusing on myself and my own happiness. I struggle with the desire to move the relationship forward vs the desire to be independent.
Just because I chose poorly in my brief marriage doesn't mean that I will choose poorly again. It doesn't mean that I have to keep carrying my baggage. I am tired of this baggage. It is too heavy. I guess this means that I will relay on the sage advice of my Bikram instruction and learn to let it go. I have held onto it longer now that I was actually married. I should be spending all that energy on my standing bow or full camel any way!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


The vet just called. Snapper has something that should be treatable in three days with IV fluids!
This dog has 9 lives!!
My little man will be coming home after all. I know it won't be for too much longer but still as long as he is happy and he eats like a pig I know he still has a good quality of life!

This is my dog Snapper. Snapper is 15.6 years old AKA 109.2 in human years. He has had a long, good, healthy life.
Snapper is one of four members of my original "dog pack". I also had his twin sister, Princess who passed away 1.5 years ago, Brownie who passed away about 1.75 years ago and Laddy who passed away July 5, 2008. All of these dogs were between 14 - 15 when they passed away. They all had long, healthy fun filled lives!
They certainly have all enriched my life and I can not imagine the past 15 years without any of them.
I took Snapper to the vet this morning. He has kidney disease and I suspect that he is in the last stages of kidney failure. I believe that it is about time for him to re-join the pack.
I am for the fourth time in two years, absolutely heartbroken. He is my "little man"
I am grateful that I have Max and Madison and that they are very young. Today is the worst day in the life of anyone who has enjoy a relationship with a furry compainion.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

First, I would like to wish all of you a fantastic 2009!! Happy New Year!

Next, I would like to state that I don't do resolutions. I have done them maybe three times and each time I have completed whatever I resolved to do. When I want to do something, I don't need new years to make it happen.

This year things are a little different. It isn't just the start of a new year for me, it is the start of a new decade. In 2009, I will be turning 40. I would like to modify a few things.

I spent the past ten years dealing with Hashimoto's Thyroidits. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis is a type of autoimmune thyroid disease in which the immune system attacks and destroys the thyroid gland. For most people, it is simply a function of taking a synthetic hormone and you function just fine. For me, no such luck. For ten years, I have been unable to find a stable level. I have a new doctor that is fantastic. Unfortunately, I let my stress level run away with me and added an adrenal problem as well. I have to stabilize this before I can stabilize the thyroid problem as they work hand in hand.

I have had enough. I am not doing this for another decade. I am sure that there are things that I can do to help myself. Now it just so happens that I am a Bikram Yoga junkie. I have read over and over again that yoga is one of the best things you can do for hormonal issues. Time to turn it up a bit.

So here are the first two things I want to work on for 2009 ~ now this doesn't mean that I will be able to do them by year end, but working toward doing them both is a goal. The photos above show a woman named Britton Jeffries during a yoga championship competition. I think her postures are so beautiful!! Kudos to you Britton! The top photo is full camel and the bottom is standing bow. I want to move my practice to get to this level of expression with my camel and standing bow.
For those of you not familiar with Bikram yoga, it is not uncommon that when you start camel you feel a little nauseated when you are in this posture. After over 2.5 years, I can still feel a little "off" in the posture. For the first time, in December I started doing the posture a little differently so as to move toward this more advanced version of the posture and getting a deeper back bend. I can tell you that I wasn't nauseated ~ I was in a full blown, surreal "I saw God" moment. (no disrespect intended to anyone) I almost lost my lunch from a week ago. WOW.
As far as standing bow is concerned, I am working hard on it as well. Whenever I see someone in class that I know has a great standing bow, I try to practice within view of that person. I get so inspired when I see someone do the postures with such grace, elegance and precision. It motivates me to visualize myself doing the perfect version of the posture.
(on a very side note that very few of you will understand, these are the moments that I wish that I had Jenny to tell me to do it. Now she is big on holding you back when you needed it but she is also big on pushing you to get over any fear or reservation you have. Jenny knows how to make a yogi unlike any other. If Jenny tells you it is good, it rocks.)
But Bikram yoga alone isn't enough. I have started to read about foods and how what I eat affects how I feel. This also is not new to me. Long before the days of Clairton I took classes learning about what foods would help me with my allergies (both to consume and to avoid). Now I am not only concerned with the basics but what foods have artificial ingredients that may be affecting me. What foods can help boost my system where it is weak? What foods are hurting me?
I cook for my dogs. They don't eat any dry pellet food. I tried them all to help Max with his IBD. I gave up on fake food and now they eat venison, chicken, turkey, veggies, organic rice and Force from The Honest Kitchen Since I have done this, they eat more, weigh less and Max's IBD is virtually gone! They have shiny coats, lots of energy and are happy and healthy.
I hardly think that my dogs are a fair scientific sampling however, I also noticed that when I drink Cha Cha Cherry juice from Arden's Garden, my joints don't ache (another fun side effect from hypothyroidsim). Cherry juice is great for arthritis pain. OK, so instead of taking Tylenol I can drink juice and never experience the pain to begin with?!? Again, not a fair sampling however what am I risking by NOT pursuing better choices?
Finally, I want my long hair back. It was all cut off in October as they said it was "damaged". Fine, time for it to grow back! I miss it.
So, here is to a more healthy 2009!