Friday, January 30, 2009

Weird week #2

Weird week #2
Last week was a very odd week. Big highs and big lows.
This is weird week #2. I have, and I AM completely bragging here, cranked though our annual audit at lightening speed. Normally the CPAs are on site for 5 business days and then back in the shop for about three more. This time, 2.5 days on site! YEA! Now part of this is personal motivation, I want to refi my mortgage and with the new standards, they want my 2008 tax returns. Since I am part owner of the business, first we have to do the audit, then the business tax return, then mine! Thus we need to move fast!!! This was a high point.
Low, it is Friday and we are still stuck on a prepaid account and they haven't finished the draft for me to approve and then we can move to the business taxes, etc.. ARRRRRR.
High, Sunday I went shopping for a small gift for a friend who is pregnant. FUN found a great eco friendly spot with WONDERFUL things.
Low, my friend, who btw will be the best mom EVER, lost the baby. My heart just sank. I am so sorry and sad.
High, Found a great price on a new dress for a formal in Feb.
Low, put on about 15 lbs over the past year thanks to the Friggin' thyroid and adrenal issues. Thus joined WW online and now count the number of blueberries I eat.
Low, Honey (see photo above of Honey in balloon with another balloon in background) has neglected to give me photos of us on the hot air balloon ride we took while on vacation in Napa
High, I told him that a framed one would make a nice Valentine's Day gift.
High, my fireplace mantle and built in bookcases and cabinet in bathroom are under construction right now.
Low, scared to see the messes and I pray the job is done well.
High, found out about 5 more jobs to bid! (I don't care to participate in the recession)
Low, sitting on my hands until audit is over... grrrr...
High, got my #1 choice for student from Fiji and will be her host family for next year.
Low, I can't tell her and invite her to our reception in Fiji until the program officially tells her!
Overall, I will take the weird week. Life is good right now.

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