Saturday, January 24, 2009

Hard Job...

I think that I have worked my tail off in very odd surroundings.

When I was 11, I became a 1st degree black belt.  I progressed on to other ranks including that of an instructor.  When others were working fast food, at 14 my first job was as a martial arts instructor.  As I aged, it really didn't do much for my dating life as 16 - 25 year old males seem to be a bit intimidated by a woman that can whip them into shape if they get out of line.  Still a hard job to have.

I went to college with an 11 - 1 male female ratio.  I was one of the only females and team leaders when I got out into the consulting world and frequently was mistaken for the admin.  A challenging but still hard job.

I am now a single female roofer that gets exposure to an extraordinary amount of odd circumstances.  Weird at times and another hard job.

I am an owner of a small business.  This comes with a crazy amount of stress.  This is a very hard job.

But this week, I finally got the news that my very good friend is pregnant!!!!!  OUTSTANDING.  She and her husband are some of the most qualified people on the planet to be the best parents ever.  But when I really think about it, this takes the cake for hard jobs.  They have worried and had a struggle to get where they are right now and I know that they will be the exact people who, no matter what, will never see parenting as a hard job.  They will always see it as the most important job they do.  Today, my hat is off to them!!  

I was the wife of a horrible man.  This also was a hard job.

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